In the past we’ve seen animals vanish so suddenly it seems they never where there. Because we have power over animals no matter how big they are, or how excellent at hiding they are, it it’s our will, animals could be wiped out. Some are almost there, but if people were to just see their beauty in being in the wild, maybe they would have a better chance. Otters are one of the animals that are on the edge of extinction. They were the ones who were hunted because of their fur. Mercilessly, sea otters were slaughtered, but that was not enough. There was a great oil spill, and many otters were killed by thousands. Where these funny, furry sea otters done for? Slowing the trade down made people start to realize the truth about sea otters. People went on trips to learn all about sea otters. Now they are on a comeback. Those flipper-feeted, blubber-less sea otters are giving hope back. So stop staring and start saving all otters everywhere.

Within the rushing water swims a giant dog with webbed feet and a rudder-like tail. It is not a dog, but a giant otter, swimming happily in the South American rivers. Giant otters are the most rare otters known today. Also killed for their fur, which decreased their numbers frantically, they are curious and shy animals that have a taste for fish, and their most favorite one is the patak. The most dazzling and amazing animals are the ones who get pushed to the limit carelessly—animals who care about life as much as we do. Why?
Are these water-loving, playful otters really done for? Without care they could be. Hoping is not enough, acting is the only way; so why say goodbye to them when we can stop it? As fast as we’ve seen animals vanish, we’ve also seen them return. It is not impossible.
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