Along the hills near Bethlehem, lived a shepherd’s family.

Hannah was an eight-year-old daughter.

Hannah calmly helped her dad, because mom had a baby.

Hannah enjoyed counting the sheep to make sure that they were all there. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven and on and on.

Tenderly, she held the tiniest sheep of all, because she cared about her.
Every night she watched the lights go out in Bethlehem.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared!
Hannah could tell that her brave dad was scared.

The angel said, “Don’t be afraid, for the Lord Jesus Christ is born this night, in the land of Bethlehem.”

Hannah thought "I actually saw an angel!”

“Let’s go see!” Hannah brought her baby sheep. Delightfully, they walked to town, then they saw the manger. As they walked closer, they saw the baby’s bed. It wasn’t a bed, it was a feeding-trough. Hannah, the 8-year-old learned a lesson: Christmas is about Christ.
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