When is the Right Time to Honor Our Military Heroes?
When we think of honoring military heroes we often think of Fourth of July, Memorial Day, and Veteran’s Day. Many just consider these holidays a time to be with friends and family, a time to eat hotdogs, hamburgers, and cotton candy. But no, have you ever thought of anything other than fireworks, songs, and races during this time? Remember that men and women have fought in wars, many leaving their loved ones in another country while helping other people. Sometimes we don’t recognize our veterans for their great contribution.
There have been national holidays full of great speeches where every eye and every ear was tuned to veterans, telling their stories. Children watched as their fathers gave a hearty handshake and greeting to the veterans that passed by. Many were seen smiling with great pride when the flag was raised for their country. Fascinated, they witnessed the red, white and blue patriots march by, waving flags as big blasts of music trumpeted along. Once, I was allowed to march with veterans during a holiday, suddenly feeling my patriotism for my country. My heart nearly burst when I knew they wanted to share the pride they had.
Think back to the years when slaves were trying to get free. Thousands of soldiers fought ceaselessly day after day for freedom. If we did not have our hero veterans, African-Americans like me could still be in slavery, trying to escape the horrid, miserable circumstances. Perhaps we don’t have any wars on U.S. soil today, but we can now help others gain their freedom, rights, and liberties. Freedom has a cost, and our veterans were the ones who paid it.
Maybe it’s just seeing the words “Veteran” on a bumper-sticker or a hat someone’s wearing -- if you see a person with a hat like that, ask them about it, because there’s a story behind it. When I was younger, my family went to a nursing home where we met many veterans. We visited a World War II Veteran who had served in North Africa. We should listen to and cherish the stories veterans have to tell us.
When should we honor our veterans? Don’t just honor them on holidays when they tell stories, give speeches, and during marches. Find them and ask them their story and with a smile, to brighten up their day, thank them!
Aliia, age 11
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